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Live-Stream of the Conference

Montag, 11.04.2022

Live-Stream (11.04.2022, 16:00-17:30): https://unitube.uni-graz.at/portal/streaming.html?id=festsaal

Keynote by Teresa O’Doherty, Marino Institute of Education & Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Titel: Research in and of teacher education: implications for policy and practice

Live-Stream (12.04.2022, 11:00-12:00): https://unitube.uni-graz.at/portal/streaming.html?id=event21

Keynote by Charalambos Y. Charalambous, University of Cyprus, Cyprus 
Titel: What can’t large-scale studies tell us about the contribution of teacher education and qualifications to student learning: a critical reflection of the literature

Live-Stream (13.04.2022, 12:45-14:00): https://unitube.uni-graz.at/portal/streaming.html?id=event21
TEPE Panel Discussion and Closing of the conference

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